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NewPro Glass & Ceramics Coating MC7601

Product description:

The SiO2-coating is designed so that glass and ceramic surfaces will have very little contact with dirt particles. Due to the hydrophobic and oleophobic effect dirt particles, grease, oily matter, lime and environmental pollution do not adhere to the surface and can be removed easily without usage of abrasive remedies ("easy-to-clean").

Application examples:

• Glass surfaces in sanitary facilities (shower cubicles, mirrors)
• Glazed ceramic surfaces (toilets, sinks, glass shower cubicles, bath tubs, glazed tiles)
• Window glass + contruction glass (winter garden, high rises, awnings)
• Car glass (windshield and side window)
• Solar cells / Photovoltaics sites

Product properties:

High hydrophobic qualities (water repellent)
• Strong anti-adhesive qualities
• Excellent Easy-to-clean effect regarding dirt and lime
Food safe (inert)
• Invisible to the human eye (car thickness: 100-150nm)
• Permanent (UV-stabil for years, enormous abrasion resistance)
• Temperature change resistant
• Breathable
• Easy application (do-it-yourself)
• Chemical product resistent (except pH-value 13 or 14)
• Abrasion resistance


Avoid contact with water during application and do not apply during rain. The polishing tools (sponges, cloths) have to be clean and dry and should be thoroughly cleaned before re-use. The coating is invisible and does not impair the surface optically.

Step 1: Surface Cleaning

The surfaces have tob e cleaned thoroughly before the application to enable a sufficient chemical connectivity with the surface. The long-term stability and abrasion resistance depends on how well NewPro Glass & Ceramics MC7601 connects chemically.
(Windshield wipers should also be cleaned when coating car windows to avoid that dirt or sand particles grate on the surface.)
We recommend as ideal preparation of the surface for heavily soiled or large-pored surfaces like car windows or solar / voltaics systems to use an abrasive cleaner (recommendation: NewPro Bio Cleaner or Isopropyl/Ethanol-alcohol). The abrasive cleaner has to be removed completely. The cleaning processes guarantees a clean and reactive glass surface. Apply coating immediately after cleaning.

Step 2: Coating

NewPro Glass & Ceramc MC7601 must be applied to a completely clean and dry surface. The outside temperature during application and the surface temperature should be between -25 °C to +80 °C.
The coating with NewPro Glass & Ceramc MC7601 has to be polished onto the surface using an impregnated paper towel (or cotton cloth, felt cloth, sponge, etc). Please observe that the whole surface is covered with a liquid film. If the liquid evaporates quickly (at high temperatures), NewPro Glass & Ceramc MC7601 has to be added. If sufficient product has been spread, the glass will be covered by fog (sign of saturation, surplus product).

Step 3: Post-Processing

After product has been in contact with the surface for 1 minute, polish off fog with a clean cloth diligently.
The hydro-phobic /oleo-phobic effect arrives immediately after polishing. Although the surface appears dry, a post cross-linking happens during several hours for leading to optimal results. The coating is invisible and does not impair the surface..

Renewal of aleady coated surfaces

If the effect lessens then the surface can be recoated without special procedures. The cleaning and coating steps from the initial is repeated procedure are repeated. We recommend to clean glass with an abrasive cleaner repeatedly if the glass has been treated with a different coating product previously.

Storage stability:

The shelf-live for unopened packages is a minimum of 2 years.
Storage and Transport Temperature: -5 to 30 °C


Manual: 5-10 ml/m²
Industrial: 5-15 ml/m²

