AntiGraffiti-Maintenance Contract
Permanent protection against graffiti
The AntiGraffiti-Maintenence Contract is a graffiti-Service performance for the professional user and contains, inter alia, the following points:
- Contracting parties
- Contract subject matter
- Object and maintenance
- Maintenance fees
- Conditions of payment
- Guarantees
- Limits of liability
- Time period of contract.
The AntiGraffiti-Maintenance Contract ensures that no permanent damage is caused to any parts of the building as a result of the graffiti. Through the contract drafted by us, the owner of the building is guaranteed a permanent clean surface, as well as a cost-effective solution for his or her building object. The contract can be ordered per Email for € 40.00 plus value added tax (sales tax) in electronic data format and can be modified or improved.