NewPro Anti Erosion NC The Solution for Prevention and Treatment of Damage Caused by Chemical Types of Erosion
NewPro Anti Erosion NC is a special formula based on molecular active substances for the reconstruction and revitalisation of mineral and organic substrates.
NewPro Anti Erosion NC improves the natural structure of the substrate by the separation of a complex SIO2² layer and forms by means of a specially coordinated, chemically physical cross network technology an extremely stabilising, three-dimensional network.
The mechanical, chemical, physical and thermal stability of the substrate is significantly improved.
The results shown in the case of already eroded substrates, show that an enormous improvement of the static properties evolve and also provide for an increase in abrasion resistance.
The intended main applications are the stopping or respectively the delay of erosion, as well as the revitalisation of mineral substrates.
NewPro Anti Erosion NC
• is used for the consolidation of mineral substrates
• uses an exceptional cross network technology
• forms a three-dimensional, chemically and thermally resistant network
• can be used for the revitalisation of natural stone, masonry and terracotta
• improves the thermal and chemical stability as well as the mechanical properties of the treated substrate
Advantages of NewPro Anti Erosion NC
• lengthens the natural lifespan of stonework
• revitalises the structure of eroded stonework
• improves the thermal and chemical properties of healthy and eroded stonework
• the breathing activity remains maintained
Uses of NewPro Anti Erosion NC
• Monumental protection
• Protection of natural facades
• Renovation of natural facades
• Revitalisation of acidified facades caused by cleaning means
• Manufacture of mineral materials with improved properties
Application of NewPro Anti Erosion NC
• Apply only to dry underground – Application temperature: +5°C to 30°C
• Flood, until the substrate is saturated
• Repeated application (Wet-on-Wet usage within 4 hours of the first application)
• Surplus material should be directly wiped off with a cloth after application to prevent the forming of gloss-spots, in particular on less porous areas of the substrate
• Gloss-spots can be removed directly after application by flooding with ethanol
• We recommend that the complete area is treated in one step to ensure a uniform appearance of the area
• NewPro Anti Erosion NC can be thinned with water before use according to the porosity and absorbency of the stonework involved
Shelf-Life of NewPro Anti Erosion NC:
The shelf-life of the unopened original container is at least 2 years.
Storage and transport temperature: +5°C to 30°C.
Usage of NewPro Anti Erosion NC:
Manually: dependant on the porosity of the substrate and the depth of penetration.
Chemical Erosion Types:
• Carbonic Acid Weathering
• Flue Gas Weathering
• Salt Weathering
• Frost Weathering
• Oxidation Weathering
Chemical weathering is described as all processes with which stonework is dissolved or transferred into another form. In this case a significant role is always played by water as the solution means and acid as the carrier. Chemical reactions are also dependant on temperatures. If the temperature is raised, then it is inevitable that the reaction speed is also increased.
Carbonic Acid Weathering
The most commonly occurring type of chemical erosion is the dissolution of lime and limestone by carbonic acid (H²CO³), carbonic acid weathering. Carbonic acid forms from carbon dioxide (CO²), which is washed out of the air by rain. The acid develops through dissolution of the CO² in water. The water flows further underground and carries the acid with it. In limestone areas, where large deposits of limestone occur, for example in the Jura Mountains in Germany, a complex system of caves develop solely from the dissolution of limestone layers. This is particularly common in the areas of Jura, Frankish Switzerland in North Bavaria or in France. This form of weathering is called Karst. Sandstone is also affected by Karst weathering because the sand consists mainly of grains of quartz crystals and feldspar, often adhered together with chalky or limey cement. CaCO3 + H2CO3 --> Ca(HCO3 )2
Flue Gas Weathering
A further form of acid weathering is the Flue Gas Weathering. The acids which are formed consist of sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) and nitrous oxide (NO2, NO3 ), which are a result of the gases which are produced during the combustion of oil and coal. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4 ) and nitric acid (HNO3 ) are produced, as are the carbonic acids, through the dissolution of the base materials in rain water. The Flue Gas Weathering can be observed above all on house walls in towns and cities. This is increasingly becoming a serious problem for historical buildings and monuments.
SO2 + 2 H2O --> H3O+ + HSO3-
Salt Weathering
Salt Weathering takes place where salt layers such as anhydrite come into contact with surface water. Anhydrite swells through the absorption of water and changes to gypsum or plaster. Its volume increases then by more than half. In this way the stone layers above and below the area burst apart. Salt dissolved in water can also cause the bursting of cracks and splits when the salt crystallises and expands.
Frost Weathering
Frost Weathering is a temperature dependant form of physical weathering. Water penetrates thereby into cracks and splits of the stonework. As water expands on freezing, the stonework bursts. A further very effective method of erosion caused by intense cold is the removal of stone by glaciers. These massive ice fields grind everything in their path and push huge masses of rubble in front of them, until they end up as a terminal moraine. A pronounced moraine landscape can be seen in the alpine uplands which results from the last advance of the alpine glaciers during the Würm-ice age about 12.000 years ago.
Oxidation Weathering
The Oxidation or Oxygen Weathering is of importance to the upper layers of the ground. Iron, manganese and sulphur compounds are mainly affected. They react with the oxygen in the air where mostly rust-red and brown oxides and lesser sulphuric acids develop. 4 FeCO3 + 6 H2O + O2 --> 4 FeOOH + 4 HCO3- + 4 H+ bivalent iron (e. g. Siderite iron) becomes three-valued iron 4 FeS2 + 14 O2 + 4 H2O --> 4 FeSO4 + 4 H2SO4 bivalent-negative Sulphur (e.g. Pyrite) becomes four-value, positive sulphur.